Saturday, July 26, 2008

I Really Love Diversity!

For those who don't know I work at a salon in an area of Nashville called "Germantown." It's almost a mini wisteria Lane ( for those who watch Desperate Housewives). Historic old houses, families walking there dogs, business men having lunch at the cafe' across the street, those types of things.

However...Only a couple blocks away is the mission. This provides for great entertainment. Sometimes I see my favorite homeless woman Esther walking by with her Colt 45 and sometimes I see Darnell riding his bicycle in his skechers flip flops and brown bag in hand, and then SOMETIMES I see things I have never seen before!

Take for instance about 15 minutes ago as I was enjoying the effects of adderall, coffee and a nice cigarette outside on the phone with my mother. I hear a scream. Not a scream of fear, but a scream of anger. True Rage. I could have easily walked back inside, but then I wouldn't have a story to tell. I told my mother I would call her back. I needed to focus. This was going to be really really good.

In the distance I see a woman who looks like this....

and a man who looks like this......

She is screaming at him saying! "Iz all cuz uh your damn dranking problem!" "Yew knew I wuz trine to be good at yew!"

He is being calm as can be and by the way the dude is CLEARLY sober and she is CLEARLY piss ass drunk! As they get even closer to me she slaps him in the face and spits on him! He keeps saying "Babay, I'm try-nuh make it work fo us! I'm finna' get uh jobs next week. You know I be lovin you gurl!" She is not trying to hear his sweet talk at this point. She told him that sugar coated lies dont mean nuttin and she was going to leave him. You should also know that she is wearing denim cut offs (VERY short) a grey V neck ( It looked like American Apparel or she was just trying out that "hipster look" for summer) and she had one of those purses that is really small but the strap is like longer than your entire torso and she is holding her straw wedge sandals in her hand. She walked to the other side of the street and that was that!

I really wish Tyra Banks would have been here! She probably would have recruited that girl for the next "cycle" or Top Model! Or she would have gone undercover as a drunk homeless woman on her show! She would have changed that poor womans life!

This was definitely the highlight of an otherwise DULL day!

I get off in 30 minutes

and I am going to drink

and it won't be smart water..

Maybe I will try and find that homeless woman...I bet we would get along so well...and I have a couple Deep V's that I am looking to get rid of!


jessie jo said...

put me on your bloglist dick

Ikie said...

Neat blog. Sounds like you're working in an intertaining area of Nashville. Tell us more.